12/4 Alder Lumber 2025

12/4 Alder  Lumber

We stock 12/4 Alder lumber and 3″ thick alder turning blocks.  In addition to distributing and wholesaling 4/4-8/4 kiln dried Alder wood, Commercial Forest Products stocks Red Alder in 10/4 and 12/4 thickness when available.

Why is 12/4 Alder hard to find?

There are 3 reasons why 12/4 Alder is rare in 2023.

  1. Alder trees are small with many imperfections. Typically, alder trees do not grow large enough or clean enough to justify producing them in 12/4 thickness.
  2. Return on Investment. When sawmills produce 12/4 lumber boards from narrow logs of marginal grade,  they yield a high % of low grade (inexpensive) lumber. Additionally, the upper grade boards tend to be narrow and short, detracting from their marketability.
  3. Kiln drying time. Significantly, 12/4 alder takes longer to dry than the more commonly used 4/4,5/4, 6/4 and 8/4 alder wood thicknesses. Longer kiln time means a higher outbound lumber cost, across all grades.
  4. Kiln Drying Risks Increase. Also, thicker lumber is more difficult to dry properly. As a result, kiln operators are more likely to overcook & ruin 12/4 lumber via kiln checking/honeycomb than with thinner lumber.   



3 x 3 x 12 Alder Turning Wood For Sale 

  • kiln dried
  • Solid
  • clear 4 sides
  • Net dimensions 2.9″ thick 
  • Pacific Red Alder (Alnus Rubra)
  • 4 blocks $99/delivered in the US



12/4 alder for sale