Figured Purpleheart Wood Quartersawn 2025

Figured Purpleheart Wood

Purpleheart is a South American  hardwood valued for its bright distinctive deep purple color 12 On a wild side-note, the band Deep Purple was named after the jazz song popularized by bandleader Paul Whiteman – by all accounts a fantastic person, as well as musician, who passed away in my hometown of Doylestown, PA in 1977.  Iconic guitarist Ritchie Blackmore’s grandmother used to play it on the piano. What a cool name!   

Purpleheart Color Changes!

Purpleheart timber grows primarily in Central and South America 1. Its heartwood appears bright  purplish-brown when freshly cut. However, oxidization changes the heartwood to a darker  purple hue. This is similar to how oxygen exposure affects cherry wood. 


Purpleheart Lumber Issues

Purpleheart is durable, and insect resistant, generally speaking, Working with purpleheart presents some unique challenges for woodworkers:

  1. if the wood is heated with dull tools, or if cutter speeds are too high, purpleheart will exude a gummy resin that can clog tools and complicate the machining process.
  2. Depending on the grain orientation, it can be difficult to plane without tearout.
  3. Purpleheart can also  dull cutting blades 13.

The grain of purpleheart is typically straight but can also be wavy/ irregular. Purple heart’s texture is medium. It has exceptional natural luster and chatoyancy. 1. Purpleheart has a Janka hardness of 2,520 lb f (11,190 N) 1, which puts it between oak and  hickory on the scale.

quartersawn purpleheart figured wood guitar neck

In terms of woodworking properties, purpleheart is known for its stability and resistance to warping 3. It glues well and finishes well with oil or wax finishes3. However, it is important to note that working with purpleheart can be challenging due to its density and hardness 3.

In conclusion, curly purpleheart lumber is an excellent choice for bright color woodworking projects due to its distinctive color & durability. However, working with purple heart requires special care and attention due to these properties.

Before using figured purpleheart lumber for the first time,  I recommend consulting with woodworkers with purpleheart experience. Then decide if it’s right for your project.

Mottle-Figured Purpleheart For Sale 

mottled purpleheart figured curly wood for sale

Purple Heart figured wood is available at Commercial Forest Products’ eBay store here.